Through hosting the Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program at its Mountain View Campus, Microsoft provided us computers, space to work, and delicious food. The staff we met there organized mentorship events for us that allowed us to meet professionals in technological fields.
Girls Who Code
None of us would have met if we hadn't gone to Girls Who Code's Summer Immersion Program. This organization has shown us how fun coding can be and that it is possible for us to pursue our dreams working in the computer science industry.
Our Parents
Without our parents, we wouldn't be here. They have given us support through their busy lives, and have encouraged us to do what we love.
Our Mentors at Girls Who Code
Sarah, Yoko, and Jade at Girls Who Code were here with us day after day for the seven-week-long Summer Immersion Program. They diligently answered our questions, patiently taught us more about computer science, and made our experience more fun.